Thursday, 18 May 2017

Organisation, thy name is NOT Kati!

I started my last post with the Urban Dictionary definition of 'the walk of shame'... Well I can tell you now that if you looked under 'organised' in a dictionary, one of the definitions might be 'what Kati Reeve is not'. *sigh*

I realise that as flaws go, being disorganised is a far from heinous personality crime but when you are the disorganised one I can tell you it's really effing annoying!

Take today for example... I get in from my lunchtime job (I'm a lunchtime supervisor at my children's school) just after 1.30. My car is already loaded for me to go to my 'proper' job so in theory I've got 45 minutes before I need to leave again and not much I need to do.

Fast forward to 2.25 and I haven't left the house yet. Not only that but I'm frantically trying to find letters to go in my cinematic lightboxes (the struggle is real people) before I can leave. It's a classic Kati scenario... "I'll just do this one job now, it won't take long... Oh shitting bastard hell! I'm late!!!!"

So I arrive for work ten minutes late. I'm self employed (as a Slimming World consultant) so there's no boss tapping their watch but what there is instead is me fleeing around like a blue arsed fly, trying to get everything done on time. Add to that the fact that I didn't have my usual social team there to help me set up and my 'shift' didn't get off to the best start. Thank goodness I have lovely members who pitched in and helped.

My members know me to be disorganised and will often ask me (affectionately, mind you) "What have you forgotten this week?" or they won't even feign surprise when I tell them I have forgotten something. I fear that when they talk to their friends and family about their Slimming World consultant, they'll say "Oh yes... she's lovely. Not the most organised creature known to man, but..."

As I said earlier, there are certainly worse ways to be described by others and I could live with being disorgainsed if it didn't impact on others around me but of course it does. Yesterday we experienced what can only be described as biblical rain and which massive div took her children to school without coats. Oh yes, that'd be me!! Once again, for the record: took my children to school coat-less in the midst of an epic downpour. So before I could go and do what I needed to do I had to drive home and back again to deliver said coats.

Walking in to the school's reception area I said, handing the coats over, "Officially nailing parenthood since 2008!" I make jokes about it but it does bug me because it's avoidable. I stress myself out with stupid shit that needn't even be a problem but it becomes one.

So I find myself wondering, is it possible to rewrite your programming? Can a perpetually disorganised spanner such as myself become an organisational badass?! In all honesty, right now I'd settle just for remembering basic shit like, oh I don't know, putting coats on my children when it's absolutely shitting it down...

I could've spent this time researching ways to become more organised but we all know that would've been half an hour of pinning stuff to my 'Get your shit together, Kati!' board on Pinterest. Yes, I have a board by that name. No, I have never actioned any of the things I've pinned to said board.

My bed awaits. I shall dream of a time when I shall have all my ducks in a row instead of the wee bastards wandering off in fifteen different directions!

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